The Hopkins County Jail offers tours of the facility on a limited basis as an effort to show an understanding of how the Jail functions as a Correctional Agency. It is an important tool to affect good relations and education between the community and the Jail. For more information about Jail Tours, please contact Cpt. Michelle Hayse @ 270-821-6704 ext. 203. The following are required prior to participating in a tour of the facility:
- The minimum age to tour the facility is eighteen (18) years old.
- The tour will consist of approximately eighteen (18) individuals participating.
- Tours will be scheduled as one (1) tour per month and dates will be preset by the facility and made public.
- Those attending the tour will have no interaction with inmates.
- The Hopkins County Jail reserves the right to request names and identifiers of persons attending the tour in advance for security purposes and may refuse their entry with just cause.
- Persons on parole or probation or currently in any other court mandated program must notify Jail staff of such and may be denied admittance.
- All persons participating in the tour may NOT bring any personal property inside the secure area of the facility.
- All persons shall wear presentable attire while inside the facility including but not limited to closed toe shoes, shirt, and long pant or skirts.
- All participants shall sign a Waiver and Release Agreement and Informed Consent Form.
(Download Facility Tour Request Form Here)
Please forward completed Jail Tour Request Form to Cpt. Michelle Hayse at michelle.hayse@hopkinscountyjail.com OR fax to 270-825-5022